In an increasingly digital world, data security has never been more critical. The 2024 Cost of a Data Breach report by IBM sheds light on a concerning trend: the average cost of a data breach has risen by 10%, reaching an all-time high of USD 4.88 million. This significant increase underscores the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for organizations of all sizes.

But what’s driving these costs higher each year? The report reveals several key factors:

Extended Dwell Time: Breaches involving stolen credentials take an average of 292 days to identify and contain. This extended period, often referred to as “dwell time,” gives cybercriminals ample opportunity to conduct reconnaissance and exfiltrate valuable data.

Increased Regulatory Fines: With the rise of stringent data protection regulations such as GDPR in Europe and CCPA in California, organizations face hefty fines for failing to protect sensitive information.

Higher Costs of Detection and Escalation: As threats become more sophisticated, the resources required to detect and respond to breaches have escalated, further driving up the overall cost.

Understanding the Impact of Stolen Credentials

Stolen credentials have become a favored tool among cybercriminals, as they provide a direct route into an organization’s network. Once inside, attackers can move laterally across the network, gaining access to critical systems and data. The 2024 report highlights that breaches involving stolen credentials are not only more common but also significantly more costly, with an average breach costing USD 5.15 million—well above the overall average.

The extended dwell time associated with stolen credentials exacerbates the damage. The longer it takes to detect a breach, the more data can be stolen, and the higher the cost of remediation. This is where proactive security measures, such as identity management and multi-factor authentication (MFA), become essential.

How IBM Verify Mitigates the Risk

IBM Verify is designed to tackle the challenges posed by stolen credentials and other forms of unauthorized access. By implementing IBM Verify, organizations can dramatically reduce the risk of data breaches through a combination of advanced security features:

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): By requiring multiple forms of verification, MFA significantly reduces the likelihood of unauthorized access, even if credentials are compromised.

Identity Governance: IBM Verify offers robust identity governance features, ensuring that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive systems and data. This prevents lateral movement within the network, a common tactic used by attackers to escalate privileges.

Real-Time Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and risk assessment allow IBM Verify to detect and respond to suspicious activities in real-time, minimizing potential damage.

Implementing IBM Verify not only enhances security but also helps organizations comply with regulatory requirements by demonstrating a commitment to protecting sensitive information.

Jeskell Systems: Your Trusted IBM Business Partner

Selecting a powerful security solution like IBM Verify is crucial, but successful implementation requires expertise. Jeskell Systems, an IBM Platinum Business Partner, brings over two decades of experience in helping Federal and commercial clients deploy IBM solutions. Jeskell’s team of experts works closely with organizations to tailor IBM Verify to their specific needs, ensuring a seamless integration that strengthens security without disrupting operations.

Whether you’re a small business concerned about data protection or a large government agency needing to meet stringent security standards, Jeskell Systems has the experience and knowledge to help you achieve your cybersecurity goals.

Taking the Next Step: Secure Your Organization Today

The findings of the 2024 Cost of a Data Breach report make one thing clear: the time to act is now. With data breach costs rising and threats becoming more sophisticated, organizations can’t afford to delay implementing robust security measures.

IBM Verify offers a comprehensive solution to safeguard your organization from the costly consequences of data breaches, and Jeskell Systems is the ideal partner to ensure its effective implementation. Together, we can help you protect your sensitive data, comply with regulatory requirements, and maintain the trust of your customers.