We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Kelly Nuckolls as the Chief Marketing Officer at Jeskell Systems. With nearly two decades of experience as an accomplished IT marketing manager, Kelly brings invaluable expertise to our team.

Jeskell Systems, with over 20 years in the industry, has built a legacy of enhancing operational performance through cutting-edge IT modernization and digital transformation. Kelly’s appointment marks a strategic move to reinforce our commitment to excellence and innovation.

Specialized Solutions for Diverse Challenges

Operating primarily in the Federal space while extending services to clients globally, Jeskell specializes in creating and delivering advanced solutions tailored to specific IT challenges. Our expertise, combined with Kelly’s strategic marketing insights, positions us for even greater success in meeting the diverse needs of our clients.

Trusted Partnerships

Collaborating with 20+ top-tier technology partners, including IBM, Dell Technologies, Red Hat, and NetApp, Jeskell empowers clients with transformative solutions that reduce risk, lower costs, and optimize IT effectiveness. Kelly’s proficiency in partner relations aligns seamlessly with our commitment to strategic collaborations.

Security and Global Presence

Jeskell’s commitment to security is underscored by extensive top-secret security clearances, ensuring seamless integration with our Federal and public sector clients. With a global presence, we continue to be a trusted partner for clients around the world.

Kelly’s Role in Jeskell’s Growth

A Client-Centric Approach

Kelly’s appointment reinforces Jeskell’s client-centric approach. Known for fostering exceptional relationships based on trust and value, Kelly will play a pivotal role in further tailoring our offerings to each client’s individual needs and budget.

Integrating Solutions for Long-Term Savings

Kelly’s strength in seamlessly integrating solutions from multiple OEMs aligns with Jeskell’s commitment to turning IT investments into long-term savings. Together, we aim to reduce complexity, provide agility, and ensure mission-focused adaptability for our clients.

Shaping the Future Together

At Jeskell Systems, our mission is to empower yours, modernizing IT solutions to shape the future of your organization. With Kelly as Chief Marketing Officer, we are confident in our ability to not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients and partners.

Exciting Times Ahead

Please join us in welcoming Kelly to Jeskell Systems. Her wealth of experience and strategic insights will undoubtedly contribute to our continued growth and success. We are excited about the journey ahead and the positive impact we will create together.